2011 年起,新的《刑事诉讼法典》已经逐步在不同法院管辖区生效。检察院 在在刑事审判各个阶段保护犯罪受害人,也保护任何举报人、证人或合作者。 有关条款特别包括防止报复的保护,不披露个人的身份,把法院设施列为证人的正式地址,乔装或隐秘地出席审讯,使用技术进行审讯,警察保护,藏身处和转移。然而,有关条规定的措施,决不得损害被告的辩护权或抗辩原则。
Since 2011 the new Code of Criminal Procedure has been entering into force gradually in the different judicial districts. The Office of the Public Prosecutor protects a victim of crime at every stage of a criminal trial, and also any informants, witnesses or collaborators. The relevant provisions include, inter alia, protection against reprisals, the non-disclosure of a person’s identity, the listing of court facilities as a witness’ official address, an altered or concealed appearance in hearings, the use of technology for interrogation, police protection, safe houses and relocation. Under no circumstances, however, may the measures established in the relevant article be to the detriment of the accused person’s right of defence or of the adversarial principle