阿曼尚未采取措施有效保护就《公约》确立的罪行作证的证人或鉴定人。阿曼允许借助通信技术提供证词。 阿曼尚未就人员的移管订立任何协议。 阿曼的立法并不能使被害人的意见和关切在对罪犯提起刑事诉讼的适当阶段得 到表达和考虑。
Oman has not adopted measures to provide effective protection for witnesses or experts who give testimony on offences established under the Convention. Oman permits testimony to be given through the use of communication technology. Oman has not entered into any agreements with respect to the relocation of persons. Oman’s legislation does not enable the views and concerns of victims to be presented and considered at appropriate stages of criminal proceedings against offenders.