《刑法典》第237/1 条2是适用于将国内影响力交易定罪的条款。但是,该条款包括被动形式的影响力交易,不包括主动形式的影响力交易。作为回应,国家当局称正在审议的法律草案也将解决该问题。审议专家们鼓励阿拉伯联合酋长国有关当局继续进行审议,以制定新的立法来解决主动影响力交易的定罪问题。
国家当局认为,“假定的”影响力这一问题属于欺骗概念的范畴,欺骗反过来是《刑法典》第399 条中所规定的“欺骗”(欺诈)罪的核心要素。
Article 237/1 PC2 is the applicable provision to criminalize domestically trading in influence. However, this provision covers the passive form of trading in influence, and not the active one. In response, the national authorities reported that the draft law under consideration would also address this issue. The reviewing experts encouraged the authorities of the United Arab Emirates to continue ongoing considerations to put in place new legislation to address the issue of criminalization of active trading in influence.
The national authorities argued that the issue of “supposed” influence falls within the concept of deception which is, in turn, a core element of the offence of “deceit” (fraud), as prescribed in article 399 PC.