《阿根廷刑法典》第258 条和256 条之二第一款将主动的影响力交易定为刑事罪,同时《刑法典》第256 条之二将其被动形式也定为刑事罪。阿根廷符合《公约》所规定的要求,因为尽管其国内法律制度并未规定《公约》下的义务,但仍将主动和被动的影响力交易定为刑事罪。
The Argentine Criminal Code criminalizes active trading in influence in articles 258 and 256 bis, first paragraph, and the passive form in article 256 bis of the Criminal Code. Argentina is in line with the Convention, given that its internal legal system, despite the absence of an obligation under the Convention, criminalizes both active and passive trading in influence.