腐败犯罪要受到适当制裁。《反腐败法》规定的多数犯罪所受制裁不超过十年 监禁或者罚款不超过 240 货币点,对于包括贿赂和贪污等一些犯罪,处以监禁 和罚款两种制裁。根据《乌干达宪法》,豁免权局限于共和国总统。 是否起诉酌情而定。不同的法律(《治安法院法》第 75 和 76 条、《起诉书审 判法》第 14、15 和 16 条、《刑事诉讼法》第 40 条、《监狱法》第 304 章第 88 和 89 条)中对保释和提前释放作了规定。 《公共服务法规》和 2002 年《领导守则法》中规定各主管机关有纪律处分权。 2010 年《乌干达公共服务现行命令》和 2009 年《公共服务委员会法规》第 38 条对公职人员在进入司法程序之前有条件释放作了规定。《反腐败法》第 46 条 规定取消公职人员的资格作为对其腐败行为的制裁;但这一规定没有充分涵盖 国有企业。
Corruption offences carry appropriate sanctions. Most offences under the ACA have sanctions of imprisonment not exceeding ten years or a fine not exceeding two hundred and forty currency points or both for a number of offences including bribery and embezzlement. Immunities are limited, in accordance with the Ugandan Constitution, to the President of the Republic. Prosecution is discretional. Bail and early release are regulated in different pieces of legislation (sections 75 and 76 of the Magistrates Court Act, Section 14, 15 and 16 of the Trial on Indictments Act, Section 40 of the Criminal Procedure code Act, sections 88 and 89 of the Prisons Act Cap 304). Each competent authority has disciplinary powers contained in the Public Service Regulations and the Leadership Code Act 2002. Conditional release of public officers pending judicial procedures is foreseen in The Uganda Public Service Standing Orders 2010 and Reg. 38 of the Public Service Commission Regulations 2009. Disqualification as a sanction for corrupt conduct was foreseen for public officials under section 46 ACA; however, this provision does not fully cover enterprises owned by the State.