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电  话:0731-88664106

传  真:0731-88664106

地  址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区




录入者:xyq 日期:2016-9-3 21:28:31 人气:10 评论:0

   根据《刑法典》第 6 条,判刑法官在下达适用于罪犯的制裁的决定时必须考虑 到犯罪的严重程度和其他相关情形。 总统(《宪法》第 105条)和议员(《宪法》第 83条),包括总理和部长享有免予起 诉权。对其他类别公职人员的起诉须征得其监督机关的行政许可,如下文所述。 经土耳其大国民议会(议会)不少于三分之一议员动议,并经不少于四分之三 议员投票决定,可对总统提出重大叛国罪指控(《宪法》第 105 条)。检察官可向司法部长提出取消议员豁免请求,司法部长将该请求转交总理办公 室,然后由总理办公室提交议会。议长办公室将该请求提交联合委员会审议, 联合委员会应在两个月内就案件作出决定。联合委员会可决定取消豁免或推迟 起诉。此外,如作出取消豁免的决定,必须在全体会议上就该决定进行辩论, 此后该决定才可成为最终决定(《土耳其大国民议会议事规则》第 131-234 条)。 此外,为确保对议员问责,《刑法典》第 67(1)条规定,议员任职期间暂停计算 诉讼时效。自土耳其共和国创建以来,取消议员豁免权的案例仅有几例。 对法官和检察官进行调查须经司法部允许(第 2802 号《法官和检察官法》第 83 条)。 起诉公职人员须经相关行政机关允许并作初步调查(第 4483 号《公务员和其他 公职人员审判法》第 3 和 5 条)。起诉第 3628 号法规定罪行的不要求事先允许 (一些高级别官员除外),该法并不包括《公约》规定的所有罪行。不过,根据 第 4483 号法第 9 条,未准许调查的,检察官有权求助司法机构,并提起公诉。 如果法院裁定同意进行调查,相关机关必须遵守法院的决定。 土耳其遵循强制起诉原则。检察官在提起和起诉案件方面酌处权非常有限(《刑 事诉讼法》第 160、170 条)。 土耳其法律允许适用司法管制措施(《刑事诉讼法》第 109 条),以确保被保释 的被告出现在随后的刑事诉讼中。 土耳其法律在考虑既决犯的早释可能性时,基于适用刑期的期限间接考虑到罪 行的严重程度《惩罚的执行和安全措施法》第 107 条)。 根据第 657 号《公务员法案》(《第 657 号法案》第 140 条,被提起刑事起诉的 公务员可能被撤职。 被判因实施刑事犯罪而被监禁的人不得担任任何公务员职位,包括在国有企业 担任职位(《第 657 号法案》第 48 条)。 不管公务员被提起什么刑事程序,均可对其采取纪律措施(《第 657 号法案》第 131 条)。 被判犯有刑事犯罪者重返社会的详细措施载于第 5275 号《惩罚的执行和安全措 施法》。 在滥用信托(《刑法典》第 155、168 条)和贪污(《刑法典》第 248 条)案件 中,减轻惩罚是有可能的,前提是罪犯在起诉开始前退还非法所得财产并真诚 悔改。 《刑法典》第 254 条就切实悔罪抗辩作出规定,行贿人或受贿人在主管机关知 悉之前将实施贿赂罪一事告知主管机关,即自动免除惩罚。

       According to article 61 CC, sentencing judges must take into account the gravity of offences and other relevant circumstances when issuing decisions on sanctions applicable to offenders. The President (art. 105 Constitution) and the members of Parliament (art. 83 of the Constitution) who include the Prime Minister and Ministers enjoy immunity from prosecution. The prosecution of other types of public officials is subject to administrative permissions of their supervisory authorities, as described below. The President can be impeached for high treason by a motion submitted by no less than one third of the membership in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (the Parliament) and by a decision of a vote of no less than three quarters of the membership (art. 105 Constitution). A request for the lifting of immunity of parliamentarians is submitted by a prosecutor to the Minister of Justice who refers it to the Office of the Prime Minister, who then submits it to the Parliament. The Office of the Speaker of the Parliament submits the request to the consideration of the Joint Committee that shall take its decision on the case within two months. The Joint Committee can decide to lift the immunity or defer the prosecution. Further, if the decision to lift the immunity is taken, it has to be debated in the plenary and only after that it becomes final (art. 131-134 of the Rules of Procedure of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey). Additionally, to ensure the accountability of the parliamentarians article 67(1) of CC stipulates that the statute of limitations is suspended during the time of their service. Since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, there have been only a few actual cases where the immunity of parliamentarians was lifted. The investigation of judges and prosecutors requires a permission of the Ministry of Justice (art. 83 of the Law on Judges and Prosecutor No. 2802). The prosecution of public officials is subject to the permission of and preliminary investigation by relevant administrative authorities (art. 3 and 5 of the Law on Trial of Civil Servants and Other Public Officials No. 4483). The permission is not required (with the exception of a number of high-ranking officials) in cases of the prosecution of offences under Law No. 3628 which do not include all the Convention offences. However, under article 9 of Law. No. 4483 where the permission to investigate is not granted, the public prosecutor has the right to resort to the judiciary and initiate a public case. The relevant authority has to comply with the decision of the court if it rules in favour of the investigation. Turkey follows the principle of mandatory prosecution. The prosecutors have very limited discretion in initiation and prosecution of cases (art. 160, 170 CPC). Turkish law allows for the application of the measures of judicial control (art. 109 CPC) aimed at ensuring the presence of the defendant released on bail at subsequent criminal proceedings. Turkish law indirectly takes into account the gravity of the offences based on the length of the applicable prison terms while considering the eventuality of early release of convicts (art. 107 of the Law on the Execution of Penalties and Security Measures). Civil servants subject to criminal prosecution may be dismissed, based on article 140 of the Civil Servants Act No. 657 (act No. 657). Persons convicted of imprisonment for the commission of criminal offences cannot assume any positions in the civil service, including in state-owned enterprises (art. 48 of Act No. 657). Disciplinary measures can be applied to civil servants regardless of criminal procedures against them (art. 131 of Act No. 657). Detailed measures for the reintegration into society of persons convicted of criminal offences are contained in the Law on the Execution of Penalties and Security Measures No. 5275. Mitigated punishment is possible in cases of abuse of trust (arts. 155, 168 CC) and embezzlement (art. 248 CC), provided the offender has provided compensation of the damages of the aggrieved party, returned the unlawfully acquired property before commencement of prosecution and engaged in sincere repentance. Article 254 CC provides for a defence of effective regret, where the penalty is automatically remitted when a bribe giver or a bribe taker informs the authorities of the commission of the offence of bribery before the official authorities learn of the act.

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