关于落实第三十条,发现已采取适当的惩罚措施——以监禁和金融处罚两种形 式。第三十条第二款已通过 1992 年《宪法》第 53 条和第 127 条至第 129 条、 1983 年《刑事诉讼法》第 442 条至第 447 条和《关于部落首领及其在多哥地位 的法律》第 28 条得到落实。具体关于国民议会成员的豁免权,在司法部长提出 请求时国民议会主席团拥有解除这种豁免权的专属权力。在行使法律自由裁量 权方面,多哥适用检察自由裁量权原则。因此,检察官可决定撤销案件,调查 法官可作出开展调查的条件未满足或不予起诉的裁决。检察机关接受司法部长 的分级授权。有关纪律处分的规定须遵循 1968 年关于公职人员一般地位的法 律。
Concerning the implementation of article 30, appropriate sanctions — in the form of both imprisonment and financial penalties — were found to have been established. Paragraph 2 of article 30 is implemented by articles 53 and 127-129 of the Constitution of 1992, articles 442-447 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1983 and article 28 of the Law on Tribal Leaders and their Status in Togo. With specific regard to the immunity of members of the National Assembly, the Bureau of the Assembly has sole authority to lift such immunity when requested to do so by the Minister of Justice. With regard to the exercise of discretionary legal powers, the principle of prosecutorial discretion is applied in Togo. Accordingly, prosecutors may decide to dismiss a case and investigating judges may issue a ruling that the conditions for opening an investigation are not satisfied or dismiss the proceedings. The prosecution services are under the hierarchical authority of the Minister of Justice. The Law establishing the General Regulations applicable to Public Officials of 1968 governs provisions concerning disciplinary sanctions.