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电  话:0731-88664106

传  真:0731-88664106

地  址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区




录入者:xyq 日期:2016-9-3 21:21:14 人气:5 评论:0

   如果总统或政府官员被起诉的刑事犯罪可判处 2 年以上的监禁,应将其停职从 而使诉讼得以进行。如果犯罪处罚不超过 2 年监禁,则由议会投票决定是否停 职。关于公务员,第 8/2004 号法律规定采取适当措施,包括纪律措施、停职、 调职或强制退休。2009 年设立的公共服务委员会负责加强公务员对道德守则的 遵守。 《刑事诉讼法典》规定了对被告实施保释的可能性。在监狱判刑超过六个月的 情况下,已服刑过半后,法院即可准予早释或者假释。 审议组确信,《刑法典》包括多项条款,允许中止看守式监禁,代之以重返社 会服务、以社区服务代替监禁和实行缓刑。关于《公约》第三十七条,《刑法 典》规定“主管部门合法请求官员提供适当的执法合作或提供任何其他公共服 务时,如其拒绝照做或在无充分理由的情况下未能照做,可判处最高 3 年监禁或处以罚款”。在犯罪调查或起诉中,为执法机关提供重要合作的被告可获得 减轻处罚,但是不能免予起诉。 东帝汶尚未订立《公约》第三十条第五款规定的协定或安排。

        When the President or the members of the Government is charged with a criminal offence punishable with more than 2 years imprisonment, he or she shall be suspended from office so that the proceedings can be pursued. If the offence is punishable with less than 2 years imprisonment, the suspension from office is determined by a vote of the Parliament. Regarding public servants, Law no. 8/2004 foresees appropriate measures, including disciplinary measures, suspension from office, transfer of service, or forced retirement. The Public Service Commission, established in 2009, is in charge of enforcing the respect of the code of ethics of civil servants. The Criminal Procedure Code provides for the possibility of granting bail to a defendant. Early release or parole can be granted by the court where the imposed prison sentence exceeds six months, and once one half of the sentence has been served. The reviewers were satisfied that the Penal Code contains several provisions that allow suspension or imprisonment with monitoring by reintegration services, substitution of community service for imprisonment, and probation. With regard to article 37 of the Convention, under the Penal Code, “an official who, having been lawfully requested by competent authorities to provide due cooperation to enforce justice or provide any other public service, refuses to do so or fails to do so without justification, is punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment or a fine”. An accused person who provided substantial cooperation with law enforcement authorities in the investigation or prosecution of an offence can have his or her penalty reduced, but he or she cannot enjoy immunity from prosecution. Timor-Leste has not yet entered into agreements or arrangements provided by article 30.5 of the Convention.

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