《第 17.060 号法》第 29 条(跨国贿赂)根据《公约》第十六条第一款的条件和要求部分地涵盖了许诺给予、提议给予或实际给予不当好处。关于同一任择条款的第二款,乌拉圭未将外国公职人员或国际公共组织官员受贿定为刑事犯罪。
Article 29 of Act No. 17.060 (transnational bribery) covers in part the promise, offering or giving of an undue advantage under the terms and requirements of article 16(1) of the Convention. Regarding paragraph 2 of the same optional article, Uruguay does not criminalize passive bribery of foreign public officials or officials of public international organizations.