《阿根廷刑法典》第 59 条规定,时效法废除刑事诉讼的权利。第 62 和 63 条分别规定了废除刑事诉讼权的期限(根据相应的制裁,在一至十五年 之间)和计算时效开始时间的规则。同样地,《刑法典》第 65 和 66 条也分别 规定了刑罚时效的期限(根据刑期,在二至二十年之间)和计算时效开始时间 的规则。第 67 条阐述了暂停和中止时效的原因。在一个涉及若干人的腐败案中 (而且其中一人是公职人员),当该人员还在履行公职时,时效期限未开始生 效——或者换言之,在个人离职后才开始计算。
The Argentine Criminal Code, in article 59, establishes that the right of criminal action is extinguished by the statute of limitations (prescription). Articles 62 and 63 establish the periods for the extinction of the right of criminal action (between one and fifteen years, depending on the corresponding sanction) and the rules for the calculation of the start of the prescription, respectively. Likewise, articles 65 and 66 of the Criminal Code establish the terms of the prescription of penalties (between two and twenty years, according to the sentence) and the rules for the calculation of the start of the prescription, also respectively. The causes for suspension and interruption of the prescription are described in article 67. In a corruption case involving several people, one of whom is a public official, while the official remains in the public function the prescription period does not start to operate — or, in other words, the calculation only starts once the individual has left the position.