根据《刑事诉讼法》第 40 条,希望举报犯罪的任何人,必须向国家检察官举 报。该条也适用于有义务举报可被视为犯罪行为的公务员。若公务员不履行该 项义务,可对其采取纪律措施。自 2007 年以来,根据《劳动法》第 L.1161- 1 条,私营部门工作人员凡举报可能存在的犯罪情况者享有不采取任何形式的纪律处分或歧视性措施的保护。检察官可运用起诉裁量原则。然而,若已知犯罪人的身份和地址,且提起刑事诉讼不存在法律障碍,只有在有关犯罪行为的具体情况证明合理时,检察官才能终止诉讼程序。国家检察官通过司法部长下设的等级地位享有政治权力。
Under article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, any person wishing to report an offence must consult a State Prosecutor. That article also applies to civil servants who have a duty to report acts that could be considered criminal. If a civil servant does not fulfil that duty, disciplinary measures may be taken against him. Since 2007, personnel in the private sector who report possible offences have enjoyed protection against any form of disciplinary or discriminatory measure under article L.1161-1 of the Labour Code. The prosecutor may employ the principle of discretionary prosecution. However, if the identity and address of the perpetrator are known, and there is no legal obstacle to the initiation of criminal proceedings, the prosecutor may only drop proceedings if doing so is warranted by the specific circumstances relating to the commission of the acts. State prosecutors are placed under political authority through their hierarchical position under the Minister of Justice.