通过 2011 年 2 月 13 日的一项关于保护举报人的法案保护举报人。《劳动法》第 L.271-2 条规定,对报复性解雇案件实行举证责任倒置。公职人员不仅有权受到免遭报复的保护,实际上还有举报腐败情形的义务。透明国际驻卢森堡办事处已开设一条举报人热线电话,该热线由卢森堡供资。
The protection of reporting persons has been implemented through the Act of 13 February 2011 on whistle-blower protection. The Labour Act lays down a reversal of the burden of proof for cases of retaliatory dismissal in article L.271-2. Civil servants are not only protected from reprisals but are actually obliged to report instances of corruption. Transparency International (TI) Luxembourg has established a hotline for whistle-blowers which is financed by the State.