2002 年关于内部监督的第 8292 号法令第 6 条涵盖了保护举报人问题,并提到行 政部门有义务确保对报告腐败行为的公民身份予以保密。2004 年第 8422 号法令第 8 条保护善意报告腐败行为的人员的权利。《打击公职人员腐败和资产非法增加法》实施条例(第 32333 号行政令)规定了公民报告腐败行为的权利(第 8条)和确保保密性的其他要素(第 10 条)。匿名投诉不予受理,但如果提供的 证据充分,可自动启动初步调查(第 13 条)。
The protection of reporting persons is covered by article 6 of Act No. 8292 of 2002 on internal oversight, which refers to the obligation of the Administration to ensure the confidentiality of the identity of citizens who report acts of corruption. Article 8 of Act No. 8422 of 2004 protects the rights of persons who report acts of corruption in good faith. The Regulations implementing the Act against Corruption and Illicit Enrichment in Public Service (Executive Decree No. 32333) establish the right of citizens to report acts of corruption (art. 8) and other parameters to ensure confidentiality (art. 10). Anonymous complaints are not accepted, but the preliminary investigation may be initiated ex proprio motu where the evidence provided so warrants (art. 13).