《第 004 号法》第 17 条、《第 260 号法》第 11 条和第 88 至 90 条,以及《第 458 号法》对保护举报人作了规定,《第 458 号法》还规定保护举报人不致在工作场所受到报复。体制透明和反腐败部将所收到的投诉以该部一名官员的名义提交给侦查机关。
The protection of reporting persons is regulated by article 17 of Act No. 004, articles 11 and 88 to 90 of Act No. 260 and by Act No. 458, which also provides for protection from retaliation in the workplace. Complaints received by the Ministry for Institutional Transparency and the Fight against Corruption are submitted to the investigation authorities on behalf of an official of the Ministry