关于保护举报人,1999 年公共部门法和 1999 年国会事务法规定,对于举报违反 (或涉嫌违反)可适用的行为守则事宜的澳大利亚公共部门或国会事务部门的雇员,不得加以迫害或歧视。1999 年公共部门条例第 2.4 条要求公共部门机构负责人确定如何处理公共部门雇员根据公共部门法提出举报的相关程序。澳大利亚报告称,该国正在拟订法规草案,以便就在英联邦一级保护公共部门举报人拟订全面的计划,并且进一步注意到,还正在考虑拟订加快利用公司法 9.4AAA 编保护私营部门举报人现有规定的手段。这些积极的动态获得承认。
With regard to the protection of reporting persons, the Public Service Act 1999 and the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 provide that a person must not victimize, or discriminate against, an Australian Public Service (APS) or Parliamentary Service employee because that employee has reported breaches (or alleged breaches) of the applicable Codes of Conduct. Regulation 2.4 of the Public Service Regulations 1999 requires an APS Agency Head to establish procedures for dealing with a report made by an APS employee under the Public Service Act. Australia reported that draft legislation is currently being developed to provide a comprehensive scheme for public sector whistle-blower protection at the Commonwealth level, and further noted that means to expedite access to the existing whistle-blower protections in Part 9.4AAA of the Corporations Act for the private sector were also under consideration. These positive developments were acknowledged