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电  话:0731-88664106

传  真:0731-88664106

地  址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区




录入者:xyq 日期:2016-9-10 0:03:48 人气:9 评论:0

In accordance with the Act on the Protection of Victims, Witnesses and Other Parties to Judicial Proceedings, various public bodies are obliged to cooperate in the protection of witnesses at the request of the Public Prosecution Service and its National Coordination Office for the Protection of Victims, Witnesses and Other Parties to Proceedings. The Act includes a wide range of measures for physical protection and for the protection of identity, including testimony by videoconference (arts. 8 and 27 of the Act on the Protection of Victims, Witnesses and Other Parties to Judicial Proceedings). It is intended for witnesses, experts and officials of the Public Prosecution Service and the police, and for other parties to judicial proceedings, their relatives or family members. The Act provides for agreements for international relocation, and there are examples of this as regards organized crime. The victim has the right, inter alia, to file a complaint, to be represented and to challenge certain decisions (art. 122 of the Code of Criminal Procedure). There is no specific law for the protection of reporting persons. The reporting person’s identity is protected in accordance with article 23 of the Public Property Act and article 22 of Regulations for Promoting Citizen Participation of the Office of the Comptroller-General. There exists a draft amendment to the Anti-Corruption Act, which includes protection for reporting persons.

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