突尼斯法律没有提供综合系统,以确保防止受害者、证人或作证的专家及其亲 属或关系亲近的其他人遭到可能的报复或恫吓。然而,一些法律文书载有具体保护措施条文。仅在有关恐怖主义的审判中才规定运用适当的视听通信手段听取证人和专家作证。
Tunisian law does not provide an integrated system to ensure protection from potential retaliation or intimidation for victims, witnesses, or experts who give testimony, or for their relatives or other persons close to them. However, there is provision in certain legislative instruments for specific protection measures. The use of appropriate visual or auditory means of communication to hear witnesses and experts is only provided for in trials concerning terrorism.