斯洛文尼亚《刑事诉讼法》(第 141a、240a 和 244a 条)和《证人保护法》中有 相关条款,并自 2007 年起开展了证人保护方案。保护措施包括人身保护和移 管,以及允许保护被保护人身份的取证规则。被害人如是证人,也有资格受到 保护。但是斯洛文尼亚当局强调,在腐败案调查期间,证人出于安全考虑不愿 作证是个主要问题。此外,鉴定人没有资格受到《刑事诉讼法》和《证人保护法》规定的保护。《证人保护法》对个人信息的国际交流和证人移管作了规定,斯洛文尼亚是八 个东欧国家和奥地利之间一项证人保护领域合作协定的保存人。 在斯洛文尼亚刑事诉讼程序中,被害人可承担不同角色,即证人、受害方、辅 助起诉人或自诉人,以此使得被害人的意见和关切事项在刑事诉讼过程中得到 陈述和考虑。
Slovenia has relevant provisions in the CPA (arts. 141 a, 240 a, 244 a) and the Witness Protection Act, and has a witness protection programme since 2007. Measures include physical protection and relocation as well as evidentiary rules that allow for protection of the identity of protected persons. Victims are eligible for protection insofar as they are witnesses. However, Slovenian authorities highlighted that during the investigation of corruption offences, the problem of witnesses not testifying because of safety concerns was a major problem. Further, experts are not eligible for protection under either the CPA or the Witness Protection Act. The international exchange of personal data and relocation of persons is foreseen in the Witness Protection Act, and Slovenia is the depository of an agreement on cooperation in the area of witness protection between eight Eastern European States and Austria. Victims can assume different roles under Slovenian criminal procedure, i.e., as witnesses, injured parties, subsidiary prosecutors or private prosecutors, thus allowing the views and concerns of victims to be presented and considered during criminal proceedings.