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电  话:0731-88664106

传  真:0731-88664106

地  址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区




录入者:xyq 日期:2016-9-9 22:47:00 人气:6 评论:0

塞尔维亚颁布了《关于保护刑事诉讼参与者方案的临时性法律》,该法也由新的 《刑事诉讼法》的条款(第 102-112 条)来补充。该法就向刑事诉讼参与者及与 其亲近者提供保护和援助的条件和程序作了规定,这些人由于作证或者提供对 于证实某项刑事犯罪很重要的信息而面临危险。该法宽泛地界定了“刑事诉讼 参与者”,以纳入“嫌疑人、被告、同伙证人、证人、受害方、专家证人和专 家”(第 3 条)。为实施《保护方案》设立了两个主管当局:一个特设委员会和 内政部下属的一个保护单位。《保护方案》似乎只对与具体刑事犯罪有关的刑事诉讼参与者实施,包括违反 宪法令、危害安全和有组织犯罪(第 5 条)。因此,审议人员建议,考虑到现有 的和今后的资源,扩大关于证人保护的现行法规范围,以确保此项法规也能适 用于腐败案件。 在业务一级,审议人员欢迎提及关于相关问题的《巴尔干协定》。此项协定被视 为交流经验、信息和证人转移的有益依据,并被认定为一种良好做法。

Serbia has put in place an ad hoc Law on the Protection Programme for Participants in Criminal Proceedings, which is also supplemented by the provisions of the new CPC (articles 102-112). The Law governs the terms and procedures for providing protection and assistance to participants in criminal proceedings and their close persons who are facing a danger due to testifying or providing information significant for the purpose of proving of a criminal offence. The Law defines broadly a “participant in criminal proceedings” to include “a suspect, defendant, witness collaborator, witness, injured party, expert witness and expert person” (article 3). Two competent authorities are established for the implementation of the Protection Programme: an ad hoc Commission and a protection unit within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Protection Programme seems to be implemented only for participants in criminal proceedings relating to specific criminal offences, including crimes against the constitutional order and security and organized crime (article 5). Therefore the reviewers recommended the expansion of the scope of existing legislation on witness protection to ensure its applicability in corruption cases as well, taking into account existing and future resources.At the operational level, the reviewers welcomed the reference made to the Balkan Agreement on related issues. This Agreement was viewed as a useful basis for exchange of experience, information and relocation of witnesses and was identified as a good practice.

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