沙特阿拉伯正在审议一项关于保护证人和举报人的法律草案。同时,其已经采取了多项措施,来保护证人以及就根据《公约》确定的罪行提供证词的专家, 保护其免受报复或恐吓。《刑事诉讼法》执行条例允许隐藏证人的身份。最高 司法委员会还签发了一项法令,允许以视频连接的方式提供证词,而且大多数 审判室都配备了视频连接所必需的技术手段。沙特阿拉伯还未采取恰当措施为作为证人的受害者提供保护。沙特阿拉伯可能会缔结关于人员转移方面的协定。受害者可以通过视频连接表达其观点和关切。
Saudi Arabia is considering a draft law to protect witnesses and persons who report offences. It has also taken a number of measures to protect witnesses and experts who provide testimony concerning offences established in accordance with the Convention against potential retaliation or intimidation. The implementing regulation of the Criminal Procedure Law permits concealment of the identity of a witness. The Supreme Judicial Council has also issued a decree permitting the giving of testimony over video hook-ups, and most courtrooms have been equipped with the necessary technology to do so. Saudi Arabia has not taken appropriate measures to protect victims who act as witnesses. Saudi Arabia may enter into agreements for the relocation of persons. Victims’ views and concerns may be presented via video hook-up.