莫桑比克已颁布关于受害人和证人保护的第 15/2012 号法律,其中载列保护方案、移管措施和证据标准,允许证人在不影响其安全的情况下作证。受害人保护中央局是由司法部司法和执法人员组成的一个机构,负责协调证人、鉴定人和受害人保护方案,因而负责执行特殊的保护措施。莫桑比克所提 供的案文并未就受害人可行使其权利或受到保护的时限载列具体准则。
Mozambique has enacted the Law on Protection of Victims and Witnesses No. 15/2012, which contains the protection programme and measures for relocation and evidentiary standards, which allow witnesses to testify without compromising their safety. The Central Bureau for the Protection of Victims, an agency of the Ministry of Justice formed by members of the administration of justice and law enforcement, coordinates the programme for the protection of witnesses, experts and victims, and consequently is responsible for executing special protective measures. The text provided does not contain specific guidelines regarding the time during which a victim may exercise his or her rights or the time during which protection can be provided.