根据《刑法典》第179 条,主动和被动影响力交易属刑事犯罪,但该条不涉及第三方受益人。第177.1 条第3 款(行贿)也涵盖了主动影响力交易,即公职人员滥用其影响力(中介作用)。《刑法典》第177.1 条第3 款和第179 条中的处罚范围不同。
Active and passive trading in influence are criminalized in 179 CP, which does not envisage third-party beneficiaries. Article 177.1, No. 3 (active bribery), also covers active trading in influence when the person abusing his/her influence (the intermediary) is a public official. The range of punishment in article 177.1, No. 3, and 179 CP is different.