根据俄罗斯当局在对该国进行访问期间提供和证实的资料,俄罗斯法律未载有关于将交换影响力定为刑事犯罪的具体条款。根据特定案件的具体情形,可能适用以下条款:第201 条(滥用权力)、第285 条(滥用职权)、第290 条(受贿)、第204 条(商业贿赂)和第159 条(欺诈)。专家们注意到,这些条款适用于与交换影响力有关的行为。不过,他们认为,俄罗斯刑事立法并没有涵盖《公约》第十八条之下所规定行为的所有要件。
According to the information provided by the Russian authorities and confirmed during the country visit, Russian law does not contain a specific provision criminalizing trading in influence. Depending on the circumstances of a given case, the following articles of the Criminal Code may apply: article 201 (Abuse of authority), article 285 (Abuse of official authority), article 290 (Bribe-taking), article 204 (Commercial bribery) and article 159 (Fraud). The experts noted that
these provisions applied to acts relating to trading in influence. In their view, however, not all the elements of the actions provided for under article 18 of the Convention were covered by Russian criminal legislation.