《刑事法》第133 条根据第132 条将影响力交易定为犯罪,其中,第132 条涵盖了贿赂一名公职人员时涉及另一名公职人员所属事务的情况。尽管没有明确规定向任何其他人施加或者请求任何其他人施加不当影响为犯罪,但是,《防止非法教唆和利益冲突法案》对非法影响力交易以及索取此类影响力交易进行惩罚。
Trading in influence is criminalized in Article 133 of the Criminal Act with reference to Article 132, which covers bribery of a public official in connection with the affairs that belong to another public official. Although the giving and soliciting of undue influence to or by any other person are not explicitly criminalized, the “Bill on the Prevention of Illegal Solicitation and Conflict of Interest” would punish illegal influence-peddling and making a request for such influence-peddling.