当前巴勒斯坦立法没有条款将贿赂公职人员或任何其他人员以换取滥用其对行政机构或公共机关影响力的行为定为刑事犯罪,但该类行为此前在加沙地带曾被定为刑事犯罪。适用于加沙地带的第74 号《刑法》第108 条将任何人员接受贿赂以利用其对公职人员影响力的行为定为刑事犯罪。已起草了《巴勒斯坦刑法》草案和一份修正《反腐败法》的法案,其中将向公职人员或任何其他人员行贿并且该公职人员或其他人员接受此类贿赂以滥用其对行政机构或公共机关影响力的行为定为刑事犯罪。
Current Palestinian legislation contains no provisions that criminalize the bribery of a public official or any other person in exchange for abusing his or her influence over an administration or a public authority, although such acts were previously criminalized in the Gaza Strip. Article 108 of Penal Code No. 74 applicable in the Gaza Strip criminalizes the acceptance of a bribe by any person in exchange for using his or her influence over a public official. A draft of the Palestinian Penal Code and a bill amending the Anti-Corruption Act have been prepared with a view to criminalizing the offering of bribes to a public official or any other person, and the acceptance of such bribes, in order that the public official or other person abuse his or her influence over an administration or a public authority.