巴布亚新几内亚订有一般性并且具体的主动和被动型贿赂犯罪(刑法典第61 和62 节以及第87(1)节、第97B 节、第103 节、第119(2)节和第120 节)。贿赂问题的条文适用于有关贿赂(如财产或好处、满足)的不同术语,由此并不清楚贿赂的定义除其他外是否受到了许诺给予、提议给予或实际给予的价值和后果的影响。刑法典涵盖多类公职人员,但并不清楚是否涵盖执行公务或提供公共服务的未获报酬的人员。
Papua New Guinea has both general and specific active and passive bribery offences (i.e. ss.61, 62, 87(1), 97B, 103, 119(2) and 120, CCA). The bribery provisions apply different terminology in reference to a bribe (i.e. property or benefit, gratification), which makes it unclear as to whether the definition of a bribe is affected by, inter alia, its value and the results of having promised, offered or given it. CCA covers a wide range of public officials, but it was unclear whether unpaid persons, performing a public function or providing a public service, were covered.