对大多数腐败罪的处罚是有期徒刑,例如,妨害司法最高判处监禁 7 年,贿赂 或洗钱最高判处监禁 10 年,而挪用财产最高判处监禁 12 年。根据《刑法》第 51 条,可将判刑转换为支付罚金。 根据《宪法》第 55 条,检察官拥有起诉酌处权,可以不接受指示或控制。尚未 对洗钱或《领导职务守则法》罪行进行任何相关起诉。 承诺在特定诉讼中提供证据或相信或希望此人将提供证据的(《检察官法》第 9 条),检察官可对其任何罪行免于起诉。这被解释为,可免于起诉,但这一点没 有得到验证。可将表示认罪以及配合警方和检察官调查作为减刑因素。除《宪法》第 27 条和第 32 条规定的情况外,瓦努阿图未对公职人员免于刑事 起诉的情形做出规定。这些条款规定,在议会或全国酋长委员会举行会议期 间,不得逮捕或起诉这些机构的成员。然而,在特殊情况下,例外情况是可能 的(即无法推迟逮捕或起诉的)。 2003 年《刑事诉讼法》第 60 条至第 70 条对保释做出了规定,规定法院有广泛 的自由酌处权来决定保释条件。 2006 年《管教机构法》第 50 条至第 54 条对假释做出了规定。根据第 51 条,刑 期不到 12 个月的囚犯在服刑过半后自动获得假释。其他囚犯,除判处终身监禁 的囚犯外,均有资格由社区假释委员会根据请求和服刑过半考虑给予假释。准 许假释考虑多项因素(即主要是社区安全、顺利重返社会的希望、囚犯的行 为、罪行的严重性)。 行政处罚,例如《公务员法》对解雇和取消资格做出了规定(因故解雇:第 29 条;因刑事定罪而解雇:第 29A 条)。因刑事定罪而被取消担任公职资格的人在 这类定罪后至少四年后才有担任公职的资格。《刑事诉讼法》适用于对涉及公职 人员的案件的判决。这包括各部委、厅局、国家任命的办公室、机构和瓦努阿 图政府机构所雇用的人员,如总理根据法令(《公务员法》第 2 条)指定机构的 人员。政治任命不属于《刑事诉讼法》权限范畴。对于警察和武装部队、教师 和司法人员,有独立的部门委员会。 《公务员法》中没有条款对暂停公职或在审判前采取类似措施的行为做出规 定。不过,如果该行为被提起刑事诉讼,则可同时予以纪律处分。
The penalties for most corruption offences are terms of imprisonment of up to, for example, 7 years for obstruction of justice, 10 years for bribery or money-laundering, and 12 years for misappropriation. According to section 51 of PC, it is possible to convert the sentence into the payment of a fine. Pursuant to article 55 of the Constitution, the Public Prosecutor has the discretion to prosecute, free of direction or control. There have been no prosecutions in relation to money-laundering or LC offences. The Public Prosecutor may grant indemnity from prosecution for any offence to a person on account of an undertaking given by that person to give evidence in a specified proceeding or an understanding or expectation that the person will give such evidence (s.9, Public Prosecutors Act). It was explained that immunity from prosecution could be granted, but this has not been tested. A guilty plea and cooperation with the police and prosecutors are factors that could be considered as mitigating factors. Vanuatu does not provide for immunities from criminal prosecution for public officials, except as provided for in articles 27 and 32 of the Constitution. These articles regulate that no Member of Parliament or the National Council of Chiefs is to be arrested or prosecuted during a sitting session of these bodies. However, in exceptional circumstances, exceptions are possible (i.e. where the postponement of arrest or prosecution is not possible). Sections 60 to 70 of the Criminal Procedure Code of 2003 (CPC) regulate bail, providing wide discretionary powers to the court to determine bail conditions. Parole is regulated in sections 50 to 54 of the Correctional Services Act of 2006. According to section 51, every inmate serving a sentence of less than 12 months will be released on parole automatically after half of the term has passed. Others, with the exception of prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment, are eligible to be considered by a community parole board for release on parole upon request and expiry of half the sentence. The granting of parole takes into account numerous factors (i.e. primarily the safety of the community, prospects of successful reintegration, conduct of the prisoner, gravity of the offence). Administrative sanctions, such as dismissal and disqualification are provided for in the Public Service Act (dismissal for a cause: s.29; dismissal for criminal conviction: s.29A). A person disqualified from holding office as a result of a criminal conviction can only be appointed to the public service at least 4 years after such conviction. PSC is responsible for the decision of cases involving persons working in the public service. This comprises persons employed in the ministries, departments, State-appointed offices, agencies and instruments of the Government of Vanuatu, as designated by the Prime Minister, pursuant to an enactment (s.2, Public Service Act). Political appointees are excluded from the auspices of PSC. For police officers and armed forces, teachers and judicial officers, separate service commissions exist. There are no provisions in the Public Service Act which foresee the suspension of a public servant or similar measures pending trial. However, a parallel process of disciplinary sanctions would be possible if the conduct was brought to the attention of PSC.