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电  话:0731-88664106

传  真:0731-88664106

地  址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区




录入者:xyq 日期:2016-9-3 21:37:48 人气:10 评论:0

        《第 17.060 号法》把根据《公约》确立的犯罪的最高刑罚提高至平均六年,但 洗钱除外,该罪行的刑罚为十年。鉴于当地法律情况,这些刑罚被视为很严 厉。这些刑罚在某些案件中可能有所加大,还对罚款、解除公职和没收犯罪所 得等制裁作了规定。 乌拉圭《宪法》为因严重犯罪而对国家高级官员予以免职(第 93 条)和停职 (第 112、114 和 296 条)提供了机制。《宪法》第 26 条保证被定罪人重新融入 社会。 《第 18.494 号法》第 6 条规定,对那些大力协助起诉仅是根据《公约》确立的 并属于有组织犯罪专门法院管辖的刑事罪的人,允许减免其监禁刑罚。

        Act No. 17.060 increased the maximum penalties for offences established under the Convention to an average of six years, except for money-laundering where the penalty is ten years. Given the local legal context, these sentences are considered harsh. These sentences may be increased in certain cases and sanctions such as fines, disqualification from public office and confiscation of the proceeds of crime are also provided for. The Constitution of Uruguay provides mechanisms for dismissal (art. 93) and suspension of duties (arts. 112, 114 and 296) for senior state officials for serious crimes. Article 26 of the Constitution guarantees the social reintegration of convicted persons. Article 6 of Act No. 18.494 allows for the reduction of or exemption from prison sentences for those who assist substantially with the prosecution of only those criminal offences established under the Convention that are under the jurisdiction of courts specializing in organized crime.

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