关于贪污、挪用或其他转移财产行为的规定反映在两部不同的法律中:《腐败(防止)法》第 14(6)(b)和(8)节及《偷窃法》第 22节。《偷窃法》使用“在女王的公共服务部门内任职的或作为牙买加警察部队的成员或在牙买加警察部队任职的人”这一术语。牙买加指出,该术语的释义可与《腐败(防止)法》中的“公务员”术语相同。
The provisions on embezzlement, misappropriation or other diversion of property are reflected in two different laws. Section 14 (6) (b) and (8) and of the CPA as well as section 22 of the Larceny Act. The Larceny Act uses the term of a “person being employed in the public service of Her Majesty or being a member of or employed in the Jamaican Constabluary Force”. Jamaica noted that the term might be interpreted in the same way as the term “public servant” in the CPA.