在《反腐败和经济犯罪法》和《刑法》的多项条款中,博茨瓦纳将贪污和挪用公款定为刑事犯罪。涉及该犯罪的所有相关方面。主要条款是《反腐败和经济犯罪法》第 33 条和《刑法》第 102 条及第 103 条。此外,《反腐败和经济犯罪法》第 24A条可适用于一些挪用公款案件。《刑法》第 2(1)(a)条中的财产定义十分宽泛,包括《联合国反腐败公约》第二条第㈣款要求的所有要素。已提供关于《反腐败和经济犯罪法》第 33条的案例。
Botswana has criminalized embezzlement and misappropriation in various sections of CECA and PC, which cover all relevant aspects of the offence. The main provisions are Section 33 of CECA and Sections 102 and 103 of PC. Additionally, Section 24A of CECA could be of relevance for some misappropriation cases. The definition of property in Section 2(1)(a) of PC is sufficiently broad to include all elements required by art. 2(d) of UNCAC. Case examples for Section 33 of CECA were provided.