《刑法典》规定了四个追诉时效等级:处以 12 年以上监禁的犯罪的追诉时效为 20 年,处以 7 至 15 年监禁的犯罪的追诉时效为 15 年,处以 3 至 7 年监禁的犯 罪的追诉时效为 8 年,其他所有案例的追诉时效为 4 年。追诉时效可以中止, 但是中止时间不应超过规定时效的一半。
There are four levels of statute of limitations regulated by the Penal Code: 20 years for crimes punishable with more than 12 years imprisonment, 15 years for crimes punishable with 7 to 12 years imprisonment, 8 years for crimes punishable with 3 to 7 years imprisonment, and 4 years for all other cases. The statute of limitations can be suspended; however, suspension shall not exceed one half of the limitation provided for.