刑事案件的时效期限根据针对具体犯罪规定的最高处罚计算得出,时限从两年 到最高 25 年不等(《刑法》第 67 条和 69 条)。任何指控嫌疑人的法律诉讼均 会使期限中断。被指控罪犯已经逃避司法处置或逃往他国的,时效期限不会中 止。无须罪犯在场,便可采取必要法律步骤中断时效期限。
The period of limitations for criminal cases is calculated based on the maximum penalty prescribed for a particular offence, and ranges from two up to 25 years (Sections 67 and 69 of Penal Code). This period is interrupted by any legal proceeding charging a suspect. It is not suspended where the alleged offender has evaded the administration of justice or fled the country. The presence of the offender is not required in order to take the necessary legal steps to interrupt the period of limitation.