越南未适当述及贿赂外国公职人员和国际公共组织官员的问题。虽然法院未对第 277 条所使用的“机构或组织”的用语作出解释,但该用语已被解释为包括设在越南的机构和外国组织或国际组织,除非越南加入的国际条约另有规定。第 279 条和刑法第 6 条一并解读,则可适用于外国公职人员或国际公共组织官员就在越南加入的国际协议环境下针对在越南境外实施的犯罪而接受贿赂;索取贿赂问题未予涉及。
Viet Nam has not adequately addressed the bribery of foreign public officials and officials of public international organizations. Although the term “agency or organization” as used in Article 277 has not been interpreted by the courts, it was explained to include agencies and foreign organizations in Viet Nam or international organizations, unless Viet Nam’s international treaties stipulate otherwise. Article 279, read together with Article 6 of the Penal Code, is applicable to the acceptance of bribes by foreign public officials or officials of public international organizations for crimes committed outside Viet Nam in the circumstances set out in Viet Nam’s international agreements; the solicitation of bribes is not addressed.