意大利通过第 322 条之二第 1 款而将主动和被动贿赂欧盟及欧盟成员国的官员定为犯罪,通过第 322 条之二第 2 款参照刑法第 321 条和第 322 条而将在国际商业活动方面主动贿赂外国官员和国际公共组织的官员定为犯罪。拟订了关于解释外国官员和国际公共组织官员概念的案例法。
Italy criminalizes active and passive bribery of officials of EU and EU MS, through the first paragraph of Article 322 bis, as well as active bribery of foreign officials and officials of public international organizations in relation to the conduct of international business through the second paragraph of Article 322 bis by reference to Articles 321 and 322 of the Criminal Code. Case law has been developed on the interpretation of the concept of foreign officials and officials of public international organizations.