1987 年预防腐败法令第 3 节规定贿赂公职人员为犯罪。虽然该法令使用了“代理人”一词来指称接受贿赂的人,但 1987 年预防腐败法令第 2 节所确定的这一用语在范围上类似于《反腐败公约》中的“公职人员”。第 3 节对主动和被动式贿赂作了区分,并且与《反腐败公约》的要求是一致的。然而,该法令并没有把“实体”这一用语列作不当好处的受益人,而《反腐败公约》第十五条和第十六条均有此项要求。
Bribery of public officials is made criminal in Section 3 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1987. Although the statute uses the word “agent” to refer to the person receiving the bribe, this term, defined in Section 2 of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1987, is similar in scope to “public official” in UNCAC. Section 3 differentiates active and passive bribery, and is consistent with the requirements of UNCAC. However, the statute does not include the term “entity” among the beneficiaries of the undue advantage, which is required under both articles 15 and 16 of UNCAC.
Bribery of foreign public officials, active and passive, is not currently addressed in the legislation of Trinidad and Tobago.