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电  话:0731-88664106

传  真:0731-88664106

地  址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区




录入者:js 日期:2016-8-29 19:44:33 人气:8 评论:0

        约旦当局指出,《反腐败公约》第十六条未在国内法律制度中执行,因为对外国公职人员和国际公共组织官员定罪违背 1946 年《联合国外交豁免及特权公约》提到的对国际公职人员的豁免,约旦已于 2008 6 1 日成为该《公约》的缔约国。不过,审议小组认为,约旦至少可以执行第十六条第一款,其中涉及不享受外交豁免的国民和居民对此类官员行贿。在审议进程的后期( 2011 9月),约旦当局提到《反腐败委员会法新修正案》,该修正案仍在议会讨论,其中规定外国公职人员包括国际组织官员行贿受贿为犯罪,除非他们享有外交豁免。在这方面,并针对《反腐败公约》第十六条第二款,约旦当局请求在修正案未获批准的情况下,在良好做法/经验教训摘要和立法起草方面提供技术援助。
        The Jordanian authorities indicated that article 16 of UNCAC was not implemented in the domestic legal system, as the criminalization of foreign public officials and officials of public international organizations contradicts the immunities offered to international public officials mentioned in the United Nations Convention on
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges of 1946, to which Jordan is a party since 1 June 2008. However, the review team was of the opinion that Jordan could implement at least paragraph 1 of article 16, relating to the active bribery of such officials by nationals and residents who do not enjoy diplomatic immunity. At a later stage of the review process (September 2011), the Jordanian authorities referred to the New Amendment of the Anti-Corruption Commission Law, which was still under discussion in the Parliament and provided for the criminalization of
foreign public officials, including officials of international organizations, unless they enjoy diplomatic immunity, for both active and passive bribery. In this connection and with regard to article 16, paragraph 2, of UNCAC, the Jordanian authorities requested technical assistance, should the amendments not be approved, in terms of a summary of good practices/lessons learned and legislative drafting.

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