《刑法》第 335 条 A 款对外国公职人员或公共国际组织的官员的索贿行为(跨国贿赂)做出了规定;迄今为止,尚没有涉及此种犯罪的刑事案件。上述条款未涉及到第三方的利益或好处的要件。没有立法条款对跨国受贿行为做出规定。
Active bribery of a foreign public official or an official of a public internationalorganization is covered by article 335 A of the Criminal Code (transnationalbribery); to date there have been no criminal cases involving that offence. The
aforementioned provision does not incorporate the element of advantages or benefitsfor third parties. There are no legislative provisions dealing with passivetransnational bribery.