《刑事诉讼法》第 15 条规定,对重罪而言,刑事诉讼时效为 10 年,而对轻 罪而言,时效为 3 年。因而,《公约》所确立的所有犯罪的诉讼时效均为 10 年,自实施犯罪之日起算,但私营部门的腐败、侵吞资产和教唆他人作伪 证,其诉讼时效为 3 年。
Under article 15 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, criminal proceedings lapse after 10 years for felonies and after three years for misdemeanours. The statute of limitations for all offences established in accordance with the Convention is therefore 10 years from the date that the crime took place, excluding in acts of corruption in the private sector, embezzlement of property in the private sector and inciting a person to give false testimony, for which the statute of limitations is three years.