《刑事诉讼法》第 10 条规定,对重罪提起刑事诉讼的时效为 15 年,轻罪为 5 年,轻微罪为 1 年。《刑事诉讼法》第 11 条规定,如果有起诉或调查行动,则 中断时效。柬埔寨确认,法律程序启动则中断时效期,此种规则不要求逃避法 律制裁或逃离本国的被指控罪犯在场。
Article 10 of the Criminal Procedure Code provides for a statute of limitations for bringing a criminal action of 15 years for felonies, 5 years for misdemeanour and 1 year for petty offences. Article 11 of the Criminal Procedure Code provides for the interruption of the statute of limitations if there is an act of prosecution or investigation. Cambodia has confirmed that the interruption of the period of limitation by the initiation of legal proceedings applies and that such rules do not require the presence of an alleged offender who has evaded justice or fled the country.