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电  话:0731-88664106

传  真:0731-88664106

地  址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区




录入者:xyq 日期:2016-8-28 22:15:45 人气:40 评论:0

   时效受《刑事诉讼法》第 31 条管辖。刑事起诉时效视罪行分类而定,是按照最 长的刑期计算的。如果判处监禁,时效无论如何不得短于 3 年或长于 10 年。 2004 年第 8422 号法令载列了关于违反公职责任犯罪的时效的具体条款。

   如果被告未能出庭,时效则暂停(《刑事诉讼法》第 34 条)。哥斯达黎加法律规 定,“如果被定罪者出庭或自首或在时效截止前犯下新的罪行”,则对到期后 不再能够执行判决的时效予以暂停(《刑法》第 87 条)。

       The statute of limitations is governed by article 31 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The limitation period for criminal prosecution depends on the classification of the offence and is calculated on the basis of the maximum duration of the sentence. In the case of a custodial sentence, the statute of limitations period shall in no case be less than three years nor more than 10. Act No. 8422 of 2004 contains specific provisions on the statute of limitations period for offences committed in violation of the duties of public office.

       The statute of limitations is suspended if the accused person fails to appear before the court (art. 34 of the Code of Criminal Procedure). Costa Rican law provides for suspension of the limitation period upon expiry of which a sentence may no longer be enforced (art. 87 of the Criminal Code) “where the convicted person appears or is turned in or where he or she commits a new offence before the limitation period ends”.

    上一篇: 哥伦比亚第29条
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