时效期限始于实施犯罪之日。嫌疑人在逃这一事实不能作为暂停时限的理由。 有关中止时效期限,所有四部刑法都规定,对于在时效期限过期前实施情节同 样(或更为)严重的犯罪的罪犯,应中止时效期限(如《波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维 那刑法》第 15(4)条)。
The period starts from the commission of the crime. The mere fact that the suspect is a fugitive would not be a reason for the suspension of the time limit. Concerning the interruption of the limitation period, all four codes contain a provision according to which the limitation period is interrupted if the offender commits an equally grave (or graver) crime before the limitation period elapsed (e.g. article 15(4) of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina).