贿赂外国公职人员或国际公共组织官员的行为受《刑法》第 449 条第 1 款第二备选办法管辖。未确立此类官员的受贿罪。第 449 条第一备选办法是与第 446条和第 447 条第 2 款有关的特别罪名,涉及外国公民向本国官员行贿。
Active bribery of a foreign public official or an official of a public internationalorganization is governed by article 449, paragraph 1, second alternative of the Criminal Code. Passive bribery of such officials has not been established. Article 449, first alternative is a special offence with regard to article 446 and article 447, paragraph 2, and deals with active bribery of national officials by foreign nationals.