《反腐败法》第 2(b)和(a)款中论述对国家工作人员行贿及受贿行为。《反腐败法》第 5(b)款对公开招标作了具体规定。
上述条款根据《公约》第 16 条第 1 款论述对外国公职人员和国际公共组织官员的行贿行为。《反腐败法》没有包含“公职人员”一词的定义。据乌干达当局称,该词的定义与《反腐败法》第 1 条中“公共机构”一词的定义一致。然而,关于外国官员的概念只明确包括东非共同体的官员。虽然乌干达当局称“公职人员”概念还可包括外国公职人员和国际公共组织官员,但这种解释并没有得到法院证实。
Active and passive bribery of national officials are addressed in Sections 2 (b) and (a) ACA. Article 5 (b) ACA provides a specific regulation with regard to public tenders.
Active bribery of foreign public officials and officials of public international organizations according to article 16 paragraph 1 of the Convention is addressed by the same provisions. The Anti-Corruption Act does not contain a definition of the term “public official”. According to the Ugandan authorities, the term was defined in accordance with the term “public body” in article 1 ACA. However, as regards foreign officials, this concept covers explicitly only the officials of the East African Community. While Ugandan authorities stated that the concept of “public official” could also cover foreign public officials and officials of public international organizations, this interpretation has not been confirmed by the courts.