毛里求斯尚未通过必要的立法或其他措施来将外国公职人员和国际公共机构官员受贿或行贿定为刑事罪。毛里求斯立法中还述及私营部门的贿赂行为,无论是行贿还是受贿,主要将其列于《 2002 年法》第 16 条。然而,对索取或收受酬金行为的惩处以未经相关官员的上司同意为前提,似乎没有完全秉承《公约》的精神。
Mauritius has not yet adopted the necessary legislative or other measures to establish the bribing of or by foreign public officials and officials of public international organizations as criminal offences. In both its active and its passive forms, bribery in the private sector is also addressed in Mauritian legislation, mainly under section 16 of the 2002 Act. However, making penalization of the acts of soliciting or accepting a gratification conditional upon the absence of consent of an official’s superior does not seem to be entirely in the spirit of the Convention.