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电  话:0731-88664106

传  真:0731-88664106

地  址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区




录入者:Douglas 日期:2016/10/2 7:37:02 人气:64 评论:1474

来源:中央纪委监察部网站 发布时间:2016-09-30






  原则1. 注意到外逃腐败人员和资产造成的危害,各国应视情采取措施拒绝成为腐败人员与腐败资产的避风港。

  原则2. 认识到加强国际执法合作和刑事司法协助的重要性,认为加强合作能够促进反腐败追逃追赃合作的效率和效力。


  原则3. 承诺采取有效举措,拒绝成为腐败人员避风港,前提是这些腐败人员的行为在企图逃往或已经逃往的国家是犯罪行为。鼓励所有国家在遵守有关国际承诺的同时,加大对移民程序和政策的审核力度,避免被滥用而成为腐败人员和资金的避风港。

  原则4. 鼓励负责侦查、调查和起诉腐败犯罪、追回腐败资产和国际合作的相关部门建立国内反腐败协调机制。

  原则5. 认识到《联合国反腐败公约》框架下的国际合作必须遵守各国法律,并在适当情况下遵守民事和行政程序。鼓励不同法律体系的国家有效支持国际反腐败合作。我们将在适当情况下努力有效实施《联合国反腐败公约》和其他国际公约有关引渡和刑事司法协助的规定。为达到上述目标,G20号召尚未批准或加入的联合国成员国批准或加入《联合国反腐败公约》。我们支持在适当情况下使用《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪》和《经合组织国际商务交易活动反对行贿外国公职人员公约》和其他法律文书中有关国际合作的规定。


  原则6. 认识到相关部门依法及时有效地沟通合作能够控制腐败人员和资金的流动。鼓励各国遵守现有协定,在已有国际合作机制框架下,促进主管部门间的信息交流,比如利用G20拒绝腐败分子入境执法合作网络。

  原则7. 鼓励促进多边和双边反腐败个案合作,必要时,指定专人负责协调。

  原则8. 鼓励执法机构在遵守国际和国内法律前提下加强协调,与外逃腐败人员建立联系。我们将严格遵守现有双边协定和G20成员国的承诺,建立有关工作机制。

  原则9. 我们重申,资产返还是《联合国反腐败公约》的重要原则,我们将继续实施公约第五章。

  原则10. 提高反腐败国际合作的效力,鼓励提高能力建设、制度建设和道德建设,分享经验,并加大与现有相关国际和区域组织、倡议和网络的合作。

G20 High-Level Principles on Cooperation on Persons Sought for Corruption and Asset Recovery

  Corruption damages citizens’ trust in government, undermines the rule of law, and hinders economic growth and development. For the G20, preventing and combating corruption contributes to the shared objective of building an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive global economy, and fostering international cooperation constitutes a critical step to this end.

  In accordance with the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), and building upon the G20 Common Principles for Action: Denial of Safe Haven, the G20 High-Level Principles on Mutual Legal Assistance and the G20 key asset recovery principles as well as proposals endorsed at previous G20 leaders’ summits on strengthening international law enforcement cooperation against corruption, the G20 commits to leading by example and endorses the following set of principles.

  While implementing these principles, G20 members recognize that fighting corruption requires a strong foundation, which includes respect for international law, a commitment to respecting human rights and the rule of law as well as a commitment to respect the sovereignty of each country and their international commitments and domestic legal systems. Nothing in these principles should be interpreted as enabling a G20 member to undertake activities in the territory of another state.

  I. Our Stance: Zero Tolerance

  1. Aware of the detrimental effects of persons sought for corruption fleeing and transferring the proceeds of corruption abroad, we should, where appropriate, work towards denying safe haven to these persons and the proceeds of their crimes.

  2. We recognize the value of international law enforcement cooperation and mutual legal assistance and acknowledge that working together can foster effective and efficient international anti-corruption cooperation.

  II. Our Institutions: Zero Loopholes

  3. Relevant public authorities should have effective procedures in place for denying safe haven to persons sought for corruption should their actions be unlawful in the country that they are seeking to enter or have already entered. We encourage all countries to review, consistent with their international obligations, relevant immigration programmes or policies, to prevent them from being abused by persons seeking safe haven for themselves and their proceeds of crime.

  4. We recognize the utility in domestic coordination mechanisms through which relevant authorities in charge of detection, investigation and prosecution of corruption offences as well as the recovery of the proceeds of such offences, and international cooperation can effectively collaborate with each other.

  5. We recognize the important baseline for international legal cooperation established by UNCAC, including for civil and administrative proceedings where appropriate and consistent with domestic legal system. We are encouraged to support effective international cooperation in anti-corruption matters based on a variety of legal frameworks. We will endeavour, where appropriate, to apply effectively the extradition and MLA provisions of UNCAC and other applicable international conventions. In support of this objective, the G20 calls upon UN member states to ratify or accede to UNCAC if they have not already done so. We also support the use, where appropriate, of international co-operation provisions of other legal instruments such as the United Nations Convention against Transnational organized Crime and the OECD Convention against Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.

  III. Our Objective: Zero Barriers

  6. We acknowledge that effective and timely communication and cooperation between competent authorities, in accordance with applicable laws, can curb the movement of persons sought for corruption, as well as assets generated by corruption offences. To this end, we are encouraged to use appropriate points of contact to facilitate information exchange between each other, as set out in existing agreements or international fora and networks, such as the G20 Denial of Entry Experts’ Network.

  7. We encourage each other to facilitate case-specific multilateral and bilateral cooperation against corruption, including, as needs arise, the designation of competent authorities for case coordination.

  8. We encourage close coordination between/among law enforcement authorities to establish contact with persons sought for corruption, subject to applicable international and domestic law. We will consult, where appropriate and in strict compliance with existing bilateral agreements and G20 members’ commitments, to establish proper working procedures in this regard, where such procedures do not already exist.

  9. We reaffirm that asset recovery is a fundamental principle of UNCAC and are committed to the implementation of Chapter V of the Convention.

  10. To enhance the effectiveness of international cooperation in anti-corruption matters, we are encouraged to enhance capacity building, institutional values and ethics, and experience-sharing in this area, in close coordination with existing relevant international and regional organizations, initiatives and networks.

    标签:G20 反腐败追逃追赃 高级原则
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