乌兹别克斯坦立法包含关于在有充分证据表明刑事诉讼参与者受到威胁时对其 予以保护的一般规定(《刑事诉讼法》第 270 条)。 《刑事诉讼法》第 380 条第 3 款规定不披露受害者、目击者和其他诉讼参与者的相关措施。 法律并未就保护刑事诉讼参与者列出详细措施或制定有效机制实施此类措施。没有机制允许目击者和鉴定人等刑事诉讼参与者使用视频或其他可保障自身安 全的方式提供证言。
The legislation of Uzbekistan contains general provisions on the need to protect participants in criminal proceedings where there is sufficient evidence of threats against them (article 270 of the Code of Criminal Procedure). Certain measures relating to the non-disclosure of information on victims, witnesses and other participants in proceedings are provided for in the third paragraph of article 380 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The law does not establish a detailed list of measures for the protection of participants in criminal proceedings or an effective mechanism for their implementation. There is also no mechanism allowing participants in criminal proceedings, including witnesses and experts, to give testimony in a manner that ensures their safety, such as the use of video or other means.