2000 年司法保护法令确立了向证人及其家人提供保护的司法保护方案,该方案 的范围所及包括对证人、被害人、陪审员、司法官员、法律官员和执法人员提 供保护。保护所涉犯罪包括 1987 年预防腐败行为法令下的所有犯罪以及洗钱和 盗窃。此外,特立尼达和多巴哥加入了于 1999 年设立的由加勒比共同体各国组成的区域司法保护方案。1999 年刑事诉讼程序法令第 8 节(关于放弃答辩的讨论和放弃答辩的协议)要 求检察官同一名或多名被害人讨论关于放弃答辩的任何协议并征求其意见。第 11 节授权法院斟酌决定在接受关于放弃答辩的协议或下达判刑决定之前先行征 求被害人的意见。
The Justice Protection Act, 2000, established the Justice Protection Programme to provide protection for witnesses and their family members. Its scope protects witnesses, victims, jurors, judicial officers, legal officers and law enforcement personnel. The offences for which protection is offered include all offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1987, as well as money-laundering and larceny. In addition, Trinidad and Tobago is party to the Regional Justice Protection Programme, established in 1999, consisting of States in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Section 8 of the Criminal Procedure (Plea Discussion and Plea Agreement) Act, 1999, requires prosecutors to discuss any plea agreement with the victim(s) and solicit input. Section 11 authorizes the court, in its discretion, to seek the views of victims before accepting a plea agreement or passing sentence.