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电  话:0731-88664106

传  真:0731-88664106

地  址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区




录入者:xyq 日期:2016-9-9 22:50:05 人气:6 评论:0

斯洛伐克的法律制度规定了对因为参与刑事诉讼可能有危险的证人的各种保护 形式。《刑法》第 134 条允许在对证人进行庭审有可能给其带来危险的情况下 使用视听手段。在披露证人的身份或住址可能给其带来威胁的情况下,第 136 条还允许隐瞒这些信息,并且允许为此改变证人的声音。必须由相关刑事诉讼 中的法官授权使用这些保护技术。斯洛伐克表示,在实践中不常提出这样的保 护请求。 斯洛伐克与包括捷克共和国和加拿大在内的其他缔约国缔结了关于重新安置证 人以确保对其的保护的 10 项双边协定

Slovakia’s legal system provides for numerous forms of protection to witnesses who may be endangered due to their participation in criminal proceedings. Section 134 of the Criminal Code permits the use of audio-visual tools where the examination of the witness in court may cause them to be endangered. Section 136 also allows the withholding of the identity or place of residence of a witness where disclosure would endanger that individual and permits for the voice of the witness to be altered to this end. Authorization for the use of these protection techniques must be given by the judge in the relevant criminal proceedings. It was indicated by Slovakia that such protection is not often required in practice. Slovakia has entered into 10 bilateral agreements with other States parties, including the Czech Republic and Canada, regarding the relocation of witnesses in order to ensure their protection.

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