《特定犯罪举报人保护法》第 3 至 17 条为证人和受害人提供保护,该法适用于 《关于没收和归还腐败行为所得财产的特殊案件法》第 19 条所述腐败案件的举 报人。保护措施包括不公布个人信息,提供个人安全措施和资金,用于重新安 置和变换职业。可以通过视频系统讯问证人(《刑事诉讼法》第 165-2 条)。大韩民国还制定了全面的《犯罪受害人保护和支助总计划》。
Witnesses and victims are protected by Article 3-17 of the Act on Protection of Specific Crimes Informants, which applies to informants in corruption cases based on Article 19 of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Confiscation and Return of Property Acquired through Corrupt Practices. Protection measures may include non-disclosure of personal information, providing personal safety measures and funds for relocation and change of occupation. Witnesses can be examined via video systems (Article 165-2 of the Criminal Procedure Act). The Republic of Korea also developed a comprehensive Master Plan for Protection and Support of Crime Victims.