瑙鲁制定了程序性措施以确保证人的安全。其中包括在岛上的主要酒店向证人 提供有警察守卫的住房以及可能把证人安置在岛上的“安全屋”(但从未使用 过)。法院还能够自行使用禁止令或施加不接触证人的保释条件。法律措施将阻 止或企图阻止人证人或在法院提供证据者出庭的行为定为犯罪,但未造成证人不能出庭的其他干扰行为未包括在内。保护证人和鉴定人的证据措施有限,对被害人的保护也寥寥无几。没有腐败相关事项上保护证人的案例。
Nauru has in place procedural measures to ensure the safety of witnesses. These include the housing of witnesses with police guards in the island’s main hotel and the potential to place witnesses in the island’s “safe house” (although it has never been used). The court also has at its disposal the ability to use restraining orders or impose bail conditions regarding non-contact with witnesses. While legal measures criminalize actions of those who prevent or attempt to prevent witnesses or persons who provide evidence in court from appearing, other acts of interference that do not cause the witness to be absent are not covered. Limited evidentiary measures to protect witnesses and experts and few protections for victims are in place. There have been no cases of witness protection in corruption-related matters.